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Access Statement

We aim to provide the highest standards of service to all our guests and we look forward to welcoming you to Belton Woods Hotel and making your stay an enjoyable one. Facilities available for guests with disability needs are as follows:

Directions to Belton Woods are available on our website or by calling the hotel on 01476 593200. As you arrive at Belton Woods, you will find 7 parking spaces to the left of the Hotel which are reserved for disabled drivers, there is also a turning circle located directly outside the main entrance for dropping off and picking up. The main entrance has 3 doors, 2 being automatic, ramp access is in place to the right of the main doors.

If you need assistance with luggage or equipment a member of our team will be happy to help you, please note that our Reception is staffed 24 hours a day.

The Reception desk is located on the ground floor of the hotel in the entrance lobby. The reception desk is 125cm high, check-in can also be completed whilst sitting at the seating area in reception; Assistance is available 24 hours a day should you need assistance to take your luggage to your room.

When checking in to Belton Woods Reception staff will inform you of our evacuation policy, we do ask however that you note on your registration card if assistance is needed in the event of an evacuation or emergency.

The following accessible aids are available at Reception:

Vibrating Pad to assist waking guests with hearing disabilities in the event of a fire alarm.

An evac chair is also available to enable staff to assist with the emergency evacuation of disabled, if necessary.

There are 2 lifts available, 1 in the reception area and 1 to access rooms from 267 on the second floor.

Belton Woods Hotel has 5 accessible rooms on the Ground floor. The flooring in the bedrooms is short pile carpet and flooring in the bathrooms is tiled. Reading lamps are provided and upon request Items of furniture can be moved or removed for your comfort.

All bathrooms are designed for wheelchairs with lowered wash basins and bath tubs, Emergency Pull Cords link directly to reception from the bathroom.

Public areas
All the restaurant, bar and lounge facilities in the main Hotel are located on the ground floor on the same level making them easily accessible.

Accessible toilet facilities are located to the right of reception.

Conference, Banqueting & Meeting Rooms
All Conference, Banqueting and Meeting rooms are on the first floor. Hearing loops are available upon request in advance and lighting can be adjusted where required. Please notify your conference or banquet for specific seating or staging requirements.

Accessible toilets are located at the ground floor and first floor of the events centre.

Claret Jug
Access into the Claret Jug is through the corridor to the left of the building.

Accessible toilets are located on the same level as the bar and lounge area to the right of the main front door.

Leisure and Spa
The main entrance to the Club and Spa is located on the ground floor. Access can also be gained via the corridor in the main hotel by the main entrance. A member of the leisure team will show you the facilities and assist with access to the swimming pool and spa. A dedicated accessible toilet and changing area is located within the leisure club, as well as a wheel in shower room with drop down seat and appropriate grab rails. Access to poolside is on the same level and there are steps with a handrail into the shallow end of the pool.

Outdoor Facilities
The patio area can be accessed via the door in Stanton's Bar to the right of reception which is level and paved. We have an 2, 18 hole championship golf course. The Golf pro shop and changing rooms are located on the ground floor in the next to the Claret Jug all on the same level. Golf buggies, electric trolleys and manual trolleys are all available for hire (subject to availability).

Alternative means of transport
If not travelling by car, the nearest train station is located in Grantham town centre

An accessible taxi service is available from Grantham Taxis who can be contacted on 01476 594594.

Contact Information
Address: Belton Woods Hotel, Belton Nr Grantham, NG32 2LN

Telephone: 01476 593200

Email: [email protected] Website:

Local accessible taxi numbers: Grantham Taxis 01476 594594